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Health Effects of Eating Too Much Ajinomoto

Have you ever heard the name Ajinomoto? In fact, it is a white salt-like substance, which is often used in Chinese food such as soups, noodles, sauces, fried rice, canned vegetables, Manchurian, fast food.

Adding food to food enhances its flavor. It is odorless, odorless and looks like white colored crystals. It also contains a third of sodium.

Although it has no taste, it enhances the taste of food. But just as anything has advantages, it also has many disadvantages. The use of Ajinomoto can also cause a lot of harm to the body.

It is mainly a type of chemistry. It is a part of protein amino acids. Since it is often used to make ajinomoto, it is called monosodium glutamate.

According to news published on, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified monosodium glutamate as a food ingredient, which is generally considered safe. But its use is still debated

It has been used as a foodstuff for years. However, its excessive use also causes some harm to the body, in which many types of symptoms can be seen. But the symptoms mentioned here are not necessarily seen by everyone.

Symptoms of overuse of Ajinomoto

  • Tingling or burning in the face, neck
  • headache
  • Flushing
  • sweating
  • facial stiffness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Feeling nauseous
  • to feel sick
  • in the chest
  • Feeling weak

According to a news published on, the use of monosodium glutamate has been a matter of controversy for years, but the most important thing about its use is the amount you use. There is no harm in using it occasionally in moderate amounts. .

  • If you use ajinomoto in your food every day, it can harm your nervous system.
  • Since ajinomoto is high in sodium, excessive consumption can lead to high blood pressure. It should not be consumed due to high blood pressure.
  • High blood pressure can lead to heart problems.
  • Because it improves the taste of any food and adds flavor to it, people tend to overeat, which can lead to weight gain.
  • It does not contain any nutrients, as it is an artificial additive, which only serves to enhance the taste.

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