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Dr Sanduk Ruit Biography : Life, Education, Awards and Innovations

Dr. Sanduk Ruit, born on September 4, 1954, in the remote Himalayan village of Olangchung Gola in Nepal, is an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) whose remarkable journey has transformed the lives of countless individuals. Raised in a family of modest means, Ruit’s childhood was marked by hardship and loss.

Family Background

His parents, Sonam Ruit and Kesang Ruit, were rural and illiterate. His father passed away when he was young, leaving his mother to care for him and his siblings. Ruit worked on the family farm, contributing to their survival.


Despite the lack of modern amenities, Ruit taught himself to read and write. His thirst for knowledge led him to pursue medical education at King George’s Medical College and AIIMS Delhi.

The Barefoot Surgeon

Dr. Ruit’s impact extends far beyond Nepal’s borders. Here are some key highlights of his extraordinary life:

  1. Restoring Sight

    • Dr. Ruit has performed cataract surgery on over 180,000 people across Africa and Asia using small-incision techniques.
    • His work has given sight to those needlessly blind.
  2. Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology

    • He founded the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, where intraocular lenses are manufactured at a fraction of the previous cost.
    • This affordability has made cataract surgeries more accessible.
  3. The “God of Sight”

    • Dr. Ruit has been aptly referred to as the “God of Sight” for his transformative impact on global eye health.

Awards and Honors

Dr. Sanduk Ruit’s contributions have garnered international recognition:

  • Ramon Magsaysay Award

    • Often called the Asian Nobel Prize, he received this prestigious award for advancing safe, effective, and economical cataract surgery.
  • Isa Award

    • Bahrain’s highest civilian honor, recognizing his affordable and sustainable approach to curing cataracts globally.
  • Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia

  • Acknowledging his immense service to humanity.

Certainly! Let’s continue celebrating the remarkable legacy of Dr. Sanduk Ruit, a true visionary healer whose impact transcends borders.

Expanding Horizons

International Reach

Dr. Ruit’s journey began in the remote mountains of Nepal, but his impact has reached far beyond its borders. His commitment to restoring sight has taken him to various countries across Africa and Asia. From the dusty villages of Ethiopia to the bustling streets of India, he has tirelessly performed cataract surgeries, bringing light to those trapped in darkness.

The Barefoot Surgeon

Dr. Ruit’s nickname, the “Barefoot Surgeon,” captures the essence of his approach. He operates with minimal resources, often in makeshift clinics. His humility and empathy allow him to connect with patients on a profound level. Whether he’s in a state-of-the-art hospital or a remote village, his focus remains unwavering: to give the gift of sight.

Innovations and Impact

Small-Incision Cataract Surgery

Dr. Ruit’s pioneering technique involves making a tiny incision (less than 3 mm) to remove cataracts. This method reduces the risk of infection, speeds up recovery, and requires minimal anesthesia. It’s a game-changer for those who previously faced the prospect of blindness due to cataracts.

Affordable Lenses

At the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Dr. Ruit and his team manufacture intraocular lenses (IOLs) at a fraction of the cost. These lenses are crucial for restoring vision after cataract surgery. By making them affordable, he ensures that even the poorest patients can benefit.

Honors and Beyond

Ramon Magsaysay Award

This prestigious award recognized Dr. Ruit’s tireless efforts in advancing safe and economical cataract surgery. His work not only restores sight but also empowers communities.

Isa Award

Bahrain’s highest civilian honor acknowledged Dr. Ruit’s sustainable approach to curing cataracts. His legacy extends beyond medical breakthroughs—it’s about compassion and equity.

A Beacon of Hope

Dr. Sanduk Ruit’s legacy is etched in the eyes of those he has healed. For each person who regains sight, he becomes a beacon of hope. His story reminds us that true greatness lies in service to others.

As Dr. Ruit continues his mission, we honor his compassion, innovation, and unwavering dedication. He reminds us that sometimes the greatest miracles happen through the hands of those who care.

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