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Easy Steps for to Writing a Check | United States

1. Date the Check

  • Start by writing the current date on the line in the upper right-hand corner of the check. Remember that the date should be the day you sign the check.

2. Recipient Information

  • Next, fill in the recipient’s name. Look for the line that says “Pay to the Order of.” If you’re paying an individual, include both their first and last names. For organizations, write out the full name. Avoid using acronyms unless explicitly allowed.
  • If you’re unsure of the recipient’s exact name, you can write “Cash.” However, be cautious, as anyone can cash a check made out to “cash.”

3. Numeric Amount

  • Write the exact payment amount in numbers next to the dollar sign ($). For example, if the payment is twenty dollars, write “20.00.”

4. Amount in Words

  • Below the “Pay to the Order of” line, write out the dollar amount in words. Be sure to express cents if applicable. For instance, if you’re paying $20.00, write either “Twenty dollars and 0/100 cents,” “Twenty dollars even,” or simply “Twenty” with a line extending from the word to the end of the line.

5. Memo (Optional)

  • The memo section is optional but can be helpful. Use it to note the purpose of the check. For instance, if you’re paying a monthly electric bill or rent, write “Electric Bill” or “Monthly Rent” in the memo area. Some companies may ask you to include your account number here1.

6. Sign the Check

  • Sign your name on the line at the bottom right-hand corner. Use the same signature you used when opening your checking account. Your signature confirms that you agree to pay the stated amount to the correct recipient.

The more often you write checks, the more natural the process becomes. Now you’re ready to confidently write checks for various purposes.

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