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How to get synthetics monitoring to work on new residues ? step-by-step guide

Synthetic monitoring allows you to proactively catch and resolve issues before they impact your customers. Whether you’re monitoring page load performance, mimicking user workflows, or testing site behavior, New Relic provides powerful tools to keep your applications running smoothly.

1. Page Load Performance Monitoring

Step 1: Sign In to Your New Relic Account

  • Log in to your New Relic account at
  • Navigate to Synthetic monitoring and click Create a monitor.
  • Choose the Page load performance tile.

Step 2: Define Your Monitor

  • Paste the URL of the page you want to test into the URL field.
  • For accurate results:
    • Select at least three different locations from which your monitor will deploy. This helps avoid false positives.
    • Adjust the time period between checks using the Period dropdown. The frequency of checks is up to you.

Step 3: View Your Data

  • Once your monitor starts reporting, you can view the data on the Synthetics Summary page.

2. Codeless User Step Monitors

Step 1: Sign In to Your New Relic Account

  • Log in to your New Relic account.
  • Go to Synthetic monitoring and click Create a monitor.
  • Choose the User step execution tile.

Step 2: Create Your Step Monitor

  • Give your monitor a name.
  • Choose how often your monitor runs its workflow.
  • Select the location from which your monitor deploys.

Step 3: Define Your Steps

  • Mix and match from a selection of 12 prebuilt steps.
  • You can mimic simple user behaviors like clicking buttons, navigating across pages, or filling out forms.
  • Validate your steps before saving the monitor.

Step 4: View Your Data

  • Monitor data will be available on the Synthetics Summary page.

3. Scripted Browser Monitors

Scripted browser monitors allow flexible testing of website behavior. You can script monitors to respond like a customer, choosing different paths across your site based on conditions you’ve defined12.

Remember, synthetic monitoring helps you maintain application health and deliver a seamless experience to your users.

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